Monday, March 18, 2019

Tanglewood Acoustic Guitars and P515 Pianos

Welcome to a New Week! 

This week's In Focus is Tanglewood Acoustic Guitars, the most popular Guitar in the UK. 

We have this beautiful satin vintage burst Crossroads Dreadnought, or if you'd like something lighter try this TW2 Winterleaf Orchestra model. In the Winterleaf range we also have this TW3E Parlour model, and if you like the Parlour body shape there's this Acoustic/Electric Java series model.

We have many more and they all sound amazing in their own individual ways, so we highly recommend coming into the shop and trying them out for yourself!


What’s New? 

Exciting news for this week includes a brand new Yamaha P515 Digital Piano just landed in our shop!

This is an awesome instrument, with over 500 voices, a Natural Wood X keyboard, and an aesthetic that would be a perfect match for any decor in any room.

If you are after a real Piano feel and sound, without the need for movers and tuners every time you want to change the room, you can't go past the Yamaha P515.


Fact Or Funny

This week we decided to go with a Funny :D

Q. Why do Bagpipers walk when they play?

A. To get away from the sound

Remember to check us out on FacebookInstagram and YouTube, and next time you're in the area, pop in for a chat!

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