Monday, February 25, 2019

School Books and other pleasures

Welcome to a New Week! 

This week's In Focus is on School Books, as we are seeing so many of them fly out the door these last few weeks! 

We stock the books needed for all the local schools, including Standard of Excellence, Tradition of Excellence, Sound Innovations, Essential Elements, Encore on Strings, Measures of Success, and lots more.

We even have a list of the requirements of each of the local schools, so if you aren't sure which book you need, we can help you with that too.

So relax and let us take care of all your Back To School needs this year!


What’s New? 

Exciting news for this week includes a rearrange (already!) of CJ's Drum Room - but this is pretty awesome so we thought we'd include it in here!

He's focused on the stuff that drummers need the most being in the most accessible places, and it looks pretty nifty too.

So come down and check it out today!


Fact Or Funny

This week we decided to go with a Funny :D

Q. Why couldn't the string quartet find their composer?

A. He was Haydn!

Remember to check us out on FacebookInstagram and YouTube, and next time you're in the area, pop in for a chat!

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