Friday, June 29, 2018

Some (Really!) Good News For Musos!

It's a pretty exciting time here at The Music Spot, because TOMORROW we are having our once-in-a-lifetime DOORBUSTER SALE!

The balloons and streamers are up, the prices are set to be SLASHED on some really great items, and our team are full of protein shakes and ready to be run off their feet. So in case you've somehow missed all the excitement up till now, let me reiterate: tomorrow, Saturday 30th June, from 9am till 4pm, we are having the BIGGEST one-day sale in our HISTORY. And we have some SERIOUSLY GOOD items on sale too - like a Fender 65 Strat at 55% off, down to $1999; or an Ibanez RG752FX 7 String Electric down 70% to only $599 - a huge 50% off on all our acoustic Drum Kits - and heaps more, with some items slashed to 87% off. This is BIG! Don't miss out!!


The other good thing about this time of year is that three letter word: TAX!

Ok it might not strike excitement into the heart quite as much as the words "Doorbuster Sale", but if you play your cards right, this can be a pretty exciting event too. Did you know that Musicians can claim a bunch of expenses and get a juicy refund at the end of it? Let's have a look.

Most musicians travel a lot for their work. So keep good records about the travelling you do - a log book is the best way to do this, and you can use an app on your phone for that. The ATO actually has it's own app which is great for not only the log book, but also storing and filing receipts. Technology making life easier!

There are a LOT of things you can claim as business expenses, probably best that I give you this link rather than try to list them here. Australian Musician magazine also has a great article with tips you should know, which you can see here

Make sure you record all your income correctly too. That includes things like grants as well as your performance fees and merch sales. 

If you put a little effort into your record keeping, you will reap the rewards at the end - and when you get that big juicy refund, we can help you spend it too!


Our Favourite Products this week are our Line 6 amplifiers.

Let's begin with our cute little lunchbox amp, the Amplifi-30. A compact and affordable way to get the great tones you'd expect from a much larger amp. Then we have the Spider Classic 15, a modelling amp inspired by the Spider IV 15, the amp that powered a break through for a generation of guitarists. If you want something big, strong and versatile, how about the Spider V 60, with full-range speakers that sound great with acoustic guitar, electric guitar or your music collection, and is fully wireless-ready. You've got no excuses with this line-up!


And our Friday Funny:

Well, that and probably a bit of arguing about who leads ;)

See you next time!

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